Monday, February 24, 2020

Refection on Call Girl and readings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Refection on Call Girl and readings - Essay Example It also offers society a mirror to construct a desired reality. However, this differs with Hedlong’s perception who believes that films mainly achieve an aesthetic value and this revolves around explicit mystery and murder notable in most Swedish movies (Miller et al., 2008). Overall, the two authors agree that films have role to play in the wider society. Notably, Hedlong continues with this trajectory by asserting that the location of Swedish Media is largely influenced by regional aesthetics as demonstrated by the Call Girl film. This shows that filmmakers have a role in transforming society while also entertaining the masses. Similarly, cinema as a modern invention of technology, according to Sundholm, should manipulate people’s thoughts, views, and perceptions toward a positive direction. Alternatively, Miller in his paper Global Hollywood attests on the muzzling culture of Hollywood of foreign cinema. Consequently, this curtails the growth of other forms of cinemas with creative and innovative messages as notable with Call Girl that castigates bad political behavior (Reijnders, 2008). In other words, artistic success is a challenge if industries do not allow cooperation. Hedlong, O. et al. (2010). Murder, Mystery and Megabucks?: Films and Filmmaking as Regional and Local Place Promotion in Southern Sweden. In Hedlong, O et al (Ed.), Regional Aesthetics: Locating Swedish Media (pp.263-290). New York, NY:

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