Wednesday, September 18, 2019

girls vs boys in china Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  China had solved one of their population problems, but had unknowingly created another problem from it. Back in 1976, China faced an overpopulation problem. The growth of Chinas population brought a lot of problems to the country and to its people. Some of the problems were from overcrowding and not enough resources like food and jobs to go around for everyone. This was why the government of China enacted the One-Child Policy act in order to prevent over population. The One-Child Policy was a law that allowed a family to only have one child with the incentive of economic and educational advantages to the family that obeyed this law, in many cases disobeying the law would result in a fine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This leads to my main article, in the Guardian Newspaper, that talks about today’s effects on China from the One-Child Policy. The One-Child Policy had been successful in China’s goal to prevent overpopulation but one of its effects was the unbalanced ratio of boy to girl genders. This plan had worked and for a while and the population was controlled and by 1987, â€Å"the country’s boy-girl ratio was similar to the global average. But because of the One-Child Policy, today’s families have been unintentionally giving birth to more males than females as a result, â€Å"approximately 117 boys to every 100 girls.(1)† The government had not foreseen this problem and in response to this problem, they are now offering the parents cash incentives ...

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